




Del Norte Education Center

Reach an on-duty officer 24/7, 365 days a year. Push any of the white and blue call boxes on-campus or call:

  • Direct Line: (707) 476-4111
  • CRPD Office: (707) 476-4112 

皇冠365官方app警察局/校园安全办公室位于司法行政大楼, 100房间.


Campus Safety handles the following:

  • Anonymous Tip Reporting
  • 停车
  • Request a Police Report
  • 司机援助
  • 紧急警报


尤里卡校园停车执法由校园安全/停车执法部门负责. Citations are issued to those in violation of 停车 regulations. 

皇冠365官方app校园内的所有停车均由车辆操作员自行决定. 皇冠365官方app不承担任何损失或损坏的任何车辆或其内容,而在大学财产. Additionally, all parking on the Eureka campus is by permit only.


On behalf of the 工作人员 of the College of the Redwoods 校园安全, we would like to welcome you to our beautiful College of the Redwoods Campuses. We work seamlessly with 学生服务 because your wellbeing is important to us. 我们的目标是为所有人提供优质的客户服务,确保您的安全. 我们通过“社区治安”或者我们喜欢称之为“校园治安”来努力营造一个健康的环境, a student’s first approach to a healthy law enforcement experience. 华润校园安全使用合作的努力和联合联盟与内外的校园机构和部门, 我们明白我们需要每个人的帮助,以确保皇冠365官方app继续成为加州最好的校园之一. I look forward to visiting with you sometime in the future.


校园安全 is here to serve and protect, ensuring a safe campus for all. Providing respect, dignity, and assistance at every opportunity. 我们透过预防性规划、调查和执法服务,维护安全. We can maintain campus security with your help utilizing a teamwork atmosphere, 如果你看到什么, 告诉我们 CRTip@goldrainbow.net.

Together we can protect our campus.

Emergency Notifications

校园安全将通知校园社区在确认重大紧急情况或危险情况涉及直接威胁到健康或安全的学生或员工在校园内发生. Emergencies may range from inclement weather, 危险的泄漏, to a major earthquake that causes building evacuations to campus closures. 学院有各种各样的工具,以便在发生这些和其他可能的紧急情况时与公众沟通.



Campus Intercom System

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). VoIP系统将用于紧急情况下,当疏散警报系统不能响起,如在校园“枪手/入侵者”的情况下. 它还将用于在发生其他紧急情况或事件时提供信息.


在紧急情况期间, 当提供电子邮件地址时,皇冠365官方app会向每位学生和教职员工发送“紧急”群组电子邮件. 该信息将个人引导到紧急情况网站以获取更多信息和说明.

校园安全 Patrol Car Announcements

PublicCampususe to provide instructions to pedestrians during emergencies.

Investigation and Enforcement

皇冠365官方app校园安全官员负责校园内人员和财产的安全, responds to emergency situations, assist in medical emergencies and other related safety needs, as well as enforce campus parking regulations. 校园安全官员有权要求个人提供身份证明,并确定个人是否在红木学院从事合法业务. 校园安全 Officers have the authority to issue parking citations.

In the case of an emergency call 911 or our emergency line x4111. If a situation does not actually rise to the level of an imminent emergency, 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 来访者可以拨打707-476-4112与我们的工作人员交谈.

校园安全负责监督校园内所有犯罪事件的报告和调查,并强烈鼓励所有受害者及时报告. Campus Safety officers are non-sworn, 但根据加州刑法典第837条,有权对公民进行逮捕.  It states that a private person may arrest another:

  1. For a public offense committed or attempted in his presence.
  2. When the person arrested has committed a felony, although not in his presence.
  3. When a felony has been in fact committed, and he has reasonable cause for believing the person arrested to have committed it.

对在校园内犯下这些违法行为的人予以举报(必要时予以逮捕)。, 并交给当地警察局通过刑事司法系统进行起诉. 在紧急情况下,对校园内人员的安全和福祉构成威胁, 警方会立即得到通知,华润校园安全中心也会为他们的工作提供支持.

华润校园安全与我们的校园或站点所在的执法机构保持着积极的工作关系. 犯罪事件被提交给对校园有管辖权的当地执法机构. 强烈鼓励所有犯罪受害者和证人立即向校园安全部门和适当的执法机构报告犯罪.

How Do I File a Report?

  1. By dialing the 校园安全 phone number, 707.476.4112 in Eureka, or 707.465.戴尔诺特街2311号,或者有任何紧急情况,请先打911,然后通知保安. 接到电话后,校园安全人员将立即前往事故现场. Or,
  2. 亲自到位于红木商业综合大楼东入口的保安办公室
  3. Persons wishing to make an anonymous report of a crime may use the tip line at 707.476.4555
    或者通过电子邮件 CRTip@goldrainbow.net


联邦珍妮·克莱里披露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计法案 , otherwise known as the Clery Act, 适用于向警察和其他学校官员(称为校园安全当局)报告的某些犯罪。. The Act defines CSA’s as mandated crime reporters. 像这样, CSA必须向皇冠365官方app公共安全部门报告他们所知道的任何符合法案规定的犯罪行为. Timely reporting of crimes is encour年龄d and sometimes required. 公共安全将使用提交的信息来核实适当的犯罪分类,并汇编统计数据,包括在皇冠365官方app每年秋天出版和分发的年度安全报告中.

If a crime has recently occurred, 或者您在此表格上的信息需要帮助,请尽快致电(707)476 - 4554通知公共安全部门,以提供帮助,并决定是否需要及时发出警告.

1990年的《皇冠集团app下载》确立了披露校园犯罪统计数据的最低标准. Current report below:

2024 Annual Security Report

CR PD Proposed Policy 705


一般的问题 电话:476-4135 电子邮件: 欢迎-Center@goldrainbow.net
招生 电话:476 - 4200 电子邮件: admissions@goldrainbow.net
金融援助 电话:476 - 4182 电子邮件: finaid@goldrainbow.net
咨询 电话:476 - 4150 电子邮件: counseling@goldrainbow.net


Michael Perkins, Chief of Police

Corrie Watson, Sergeant

Josh Stanley, Lead 校园安全 Officer

Esmeralda Ramirez, Administrative Office Coordinator

联系 校园安全

707-476-4111 or email at Police-Department@Redwoods.edu

Administration of Justice Building

  2023 College of the Redwoods